





狄华斐,博士(后),教授,2015年10月至今在广州大学数学与信息科学学院任职。2018年10月-2020年6月在The University of Texas at Arlington博士后研究合作。以第一或通讯作者完成48篇学术论文,42篇被Web of Science平台 SCI收录,其中 Q1区SCI收录论文20篇、Q2区SCI收录论文11篇、Q3和Q4区SCI收录论文11篇,另外6篇为国内权威核心。目前主持、完成2项国家自然科学基金项目,3项广东省自然科学基金项目(1项博士启动项目,1项面上项目,1项青年提升项目),2项广州市属高校科研基金项目(1项重点项目羊城学者、1项青年项目),1项广州市教育科学规划重点项目,2项广州市科技计划一般项目。





2018/10-2020/06,The University of Texas at Arlington,博士后






1. 国家自然科学青年基金,11801108,几类具有记忆项的变指数型非线性发展方程的定性研究,2019/01-2021/12, 23万元,主持,已结题。

2. 国家数学天元青年基金,11626070,某些高阶非线性波动方程解的适定性,爆破和渐近行为,2017/01-2017/12,5万元,主持,已结题。

3. 广东省自然科学基金-青年提升项目, 2023A1515030107, 几类广义浅水波方程孤立波解的轨道稳定性研究, 2023/01-2025/12, 30万元, 主持,在研。

4. 广东省自然科学基金-面上项目, 2021A1515010314, 两类高阶非局部浅水波方程解的适定性,爆破现象及尖峰孤立波解的稳定性, 2021/01-2023/12, 10万元,主持,已结题。

5. 广东省自然科学基金,2016A030310262,几类高阶非线性波动方程解的适定性,爆破现象,以及整体解的长时间行为,2016/06-2019/06,10万元,主持,已结题。

6. 广州市教育局高校-羊城学者科研项目, 202235103, 几类具有尖峰孤立波解的浅水波方程的推导构造和定性研究, 2023/01-2024/12, 10万元, 主持,在研 。

7. 广州市科技计划-基础与应用基础研究项目, 202201010111, 几类变指数型波动方程解的适定性,爆破现象以及整体解的渐近行为, 2022/04-2024/04, 5万元, 主持,在研。

8. 广州市基础研究计划-市校企联合资助项目,SL2023A03J00375,两类广义Camassa-Holm型方程的推导构造和定性研究,2024/01-2025/12,30万元,主持,在研。

9.广州市教育局项目,广州市教育科学规划重点项目,202214066,“双减”背景下初中数学作业的优化设计研究, 2023/01-2024/12, 2万元,主持,在研。

10. 广州市属高校科研基金,1201630180,几类变指数型高阶非线性波动方程的定性研究,2016/06-2018/06,主持,5万元,已结题。


近年来,在Int. Math. Res. Notices, J. Differ. Equations, Physica D., stud. Appl. Math., Acta Math. Sci., 等国内外重要数学期刊上发表论文50余篇,代表性文章有:

[1]Robin Ming Chen, 狄华斐(通讯),Yue Liu, Stability of peaked solitary waves for a class of cubic quasilinear shallow-water equations, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2023, 7: 6186-6218.

[2] 李科霖, 狄华斐(通讯), Sharp thresholds of blowup and uniform bound for a Schr- ödinger system with second-order derivative-type and combined power type nonlinearities, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 2024, 153(1):1-31.

[3] 狄华斐, 李骥(通讯), Yue Liu , Orbital stability of solitary waves and a Liouville-type property to the cubic Camassa-Holm-type equation, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 2021, 428(133024): 1-15.

[4]狄华斐(通讯), 尚亚东, Global well-posedness for a nonlocal semilinear pseudo-parabolic equation with conical degeneration, Journal of Differential Equations, Journal of Differential Equations, 2020, 269 (5): 4566-4597.

[5]宋泽芳,狄华斐(通讯), Instability analysis and regularization approximation to the forward/ backward problems for fractional damped wave equations with rand-om noise, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2024, 199: 177-212.

[6]狄华斐(通讯),仇怡,Well-posedness, asymptotic stability and blow-up results for a nonlocal singular viscoelastic problem with logarithmic nonlinearity. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 2024, 75(2): 1-34.

[7] 于佳利, 狄华斐(通讯), Variable-coefficient viscoelastic wave equation with acoustic boundary conditions: global existence, blowup and energy decay rates, Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 2023, 17(4):1-37 .

[8] 狄华斐(通讯), 仇怡, Xiaoming Peng, Blow-up phenomena for a singular nonlocal viscoelastic problem with logarithmic nonlinearity, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2023, 150:108954.

[9]狄华斐(通讯), Weijie Rong, The regularized solution approximation of forward/backward problems for a fractional pseudo-parabolic equation with random noise, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2023, 43(1): 324-348.

[10]狄华斐(通讯), Xian Qian, Xiaoming, Blow up and exponential growth for a pseudo-parabolic equation with p (x)-Laplacian and variable exponents, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2023, 138: 108517 .

[11] 狄华斐(通讯), 尚亚东,宋泽芳, Initial boundary value problem for a class of strongly damped semilinear wave equations with logarithmic nonlinearity, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2020, 51: 1-22.

[12] 李科霖,狄华斐(通讯), On the well-posedness and stability for the fourth-order Schrodinger equation with nonlinear derivative term, Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems-S, 2021, 14(12 ): 4293-4320.

[13]狄华斐(通讯),尚亚东,于佳利, Existence and uniform decay estimates for the fourth order wave equation with nonlinear boundary damping and interior source, ELECTRONIC RESEARCH ARCHIVE, 2020, 28(1): 221-261.

[14] 狄华斐(通讯), 尚亚东, Blow-up phenomena for a class of generalized double dispersion equations, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2019, 39(2): 567-579.

[15] 狄华斐(通讯), 尚亚东,Existence, nonexistence and decay estimate of global solutions for a viscoelastic wave equation with nonlinear boundary damping and internal source terms, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 2017,10(4):668-701.

[16] 狄华斐(通讯),尚亚东, Blow-up phenomena for a pseudo-parabolic equation with variable exponents, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2017, 64: 67-73.

[17] 狄华斐(通讯),尚亚东, 郑筱筱, Global well-posedness for a fourth order pseudo-parabolic equation with memory and source terms, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, 2016, 21(3): 781-801.

[18] 狄华斐(通讯),尚亚东, 彭小明, Global existence and nonexistence of solutions for a viscoelastic wave equation with nonlinear boundary source term, Mathematische Nachrichten, 2016, 289(3): 1408-1432.

[19]狄华斐(通讯),尚亚东, Cauchy problem for a higher-order generalized Boussinesq type equation with hydrodynamical damped term, Applicable Analysis: An International Journal, 2016, 95(3): 690-714.

[20] 狄华斐(通讯),尚亚东, Global existence and nonexistence of solutions for the nonlinear pseudo-parabolic equation with a memory term, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2015, 38:3923-3936.