时间: 2024年10月24日(星期四)19:00-21:30
地点: 腾讯会议( 会议ID:739-400-186)
报告人: 谭经刚 教授
摘要:The paper is dedicated to study the decay estimate for a class of dispersive semigroup on H-type groups. Our approach is based on the non-commutative Fourier transform on H-type groups, the properties of the Laguerre functions and Bessel functions, and the stationary phase lemma. Finally, as applications, we derive the Strichartz inequalities for the solutions of some specific equations, such as the fractional Schrodinger equation, the fourth-order Schrodinger equation, the beam equation and the Klein-Gordonequation.
谭经刚,江西师范大学教授,获智利大学工程科学博士(2003-2008, 导师: P. Felmer院士)和西班牙加泰罗尼亚理工大学应用数学博士(导师: X. Cabré院士)。 曾任智利圣玛丽亚科技大学数学系副研(2008-2016),助理教授(tenured 2016-2022);3次获得智利国家自然科学基金资助。主要研究分次拉普拉斯及其在几何, 概率和物理方面的应用。主要研究成果发表于综合性顶尖期刊Adv. Math.(2篇)和偏微分方程方向顶尖期刊J. Differential Equations,Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations等,共被引1495次; Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin. Sect. A 142 (2012), 被引538次; Adv. Math. 224 (2010), 2052–2093被引443次; Calc. Var. Part. Diff. Equations 42 (2011), 21-41 被引215次。