







长期从事非线性泛函分析、稀疏信息处理、运动信息处理、反问题与深地探测等领域的交叉科学研究,在国内外期刊上发表学术论文218篇,其中被SCI收录177篇,研究成果被SCI期刊论文引用2000余篇次,最高单篇引用137篇次;主持基金项目15项(包括国家自然科学基金重点项目2项)、欧盟Marie Curie Actions计划与2020地平线计划项目4项;1999年获陕西省科学技术三等奖(第三获奖人),2006年获教育部自然科学一等奖(第四获奖人),2007年获国家自然科学奖二等奖(第四获奖人)。





1. 1995年2月- 1998年9月:西安交通大学,计算数学专业,博士生

2. 1989年9月- 1992年6月:西安交通大学,应用数学专业,硕士生

3. 1985年9月- 1989年7月:江西大学(南昌大学), 数学专业,本科生


1. 学术工作经历

2017年09月至今, 广州大学, 数学与信息科学学院, 教授

2002年08月至2017年09月, 西安交通大学, 数学学院,教授

1998年08月至2002年07月, 西安交通大学, 数学系, 副教授

1994年12月至1998年07月, 西安交通大学, 数学系, 讲师

1992年07月至1994年11月, 西安交通大学, 数学系, 助教

2. 海外工作经历

2019年07月至2019年09月,英国林肯大学, 计算机科学系, 访问教授

2016年08月至2016年10月, 英国林肯大学, 计算机科学系, 访问教授

2015年07月至2015年10月, 英国林肯大学, 计算机科学系, 访问教授

2013年12月至2014年05月, 英国林肯大学, 计算机科学系, 访问教授

2002年09月至2003年03月, 香港大学, 工业自动化系, 高级访问学者

2001年05月至2001年11月, 香港城市大学, 机械工程系, 高级研究员

1999年01月至1999年07月, 香港城市大学, 机械工程系, 高级研究员





1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:复杂动态环境下碰撞检测的生物似然数学理论与方法,2021-01至2025-12,主持人

2. 欧盟研究执行局项目 (EU Research Executive Agency, REA), H2020-MSCA-RISE Project, Ultra-layered perception with brain-inspired information processing for vehicle collision avoidance (ULTRACEPT), No.778062, 2018-12至2023-11, 子项负责人

3. 广州大学人才引进科研启动经费:非凸稀疏优化算法及其在小目标运动检测中的应用, 2017-09至2025-08,主持人

4. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点集成项目(91730306):致密油气储层的地震波响应与甜点表征,2018-01至2019-12,共同主持人

5. 国家自然科学基金项目(11771347):基于稀疏神经反应的复杂自然背景下小目标运动检测研究,2018-01至2021-12,主持人

6. 欧盟研究执行局项目(EU Research Executive Agency), H2020-MSCA-RISE Project,STEP2DYNA: Spatial-temporal information processing for collision detection in dynamic enviroments, 2016-07至2020-06,子项负责人

7. 国家自然科学基金重大项目“非常规油气勘探开发地球物理基础理论与方法研究”(41390450)的子课题: 致密油气基于反常扩散的统计建模与反演方法研究(41390454-XJTU-5), 2014-01至2018-12, 主持人


1. 获奖及荣誉









2. 近期发表的期刊文章


[1] Jia Junxiong, Peng Jigen, Gao Jinghuai. Posterior contraction for empirical Bayesian approach to inverse problems under non-diagonal assumption. Inverse Problems and Imaging, APR 2021, 15(2): 201-228. DOI: 10.3934/ipi.2020061.

[2] Wang Huatian, Fu Qinbing, Wang Hongxin, Baxter Paul, Peng Jigen, and Yue Shigang. A bioinspired angular velocity decoding neural network model for visually guided flights. Neural Networks, Apr 2021, 136: 180-193. DOI: 10.1016/j.neunet.2020.12.008.

[3] Xing Zhiwei, Wen Meng, Peng Jigen, Feng Jinqian. Discriminative semi supervised non-negative matrix factorization for data clustering. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 103: 104289, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.engappai.2021.104289.

[4] Yang Murong, Peng Jigen, Qin Ziyan, Chen Penghe, Jin Dequan. Dimension reduction based on small sample entropy learning for hand-writing image. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 80(11): 17365-17376. May 2021.  DOI: 10.1007/s11042-020-09019-w.

[5] Wang Hongxin, Peng Jigen, Zheng Xuqiang, Yue Shigang. A robust visual system for small target motion detection against cluttered moving backgrounds. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, March 2020, 31(3): 839-853. DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2019.2910418.

[6] Wang Hongxin, Peng Jigen, Yue Shigang. A Directionally Selective Small Target Motion Detecting Visual Neural Network in Cluttered Backgrounds. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, April 2020, 50(4): 1541-1555. DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2018.2869384.

[7] Liu Haifeng, Peng Jigen, Lin Zhipeng. A theoretical result of sparse signal recovery via alternating projection method. Information Sciences, Jan 2020, 506:51-57. DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2019.08.001.

[8] Fan Qinwei, Peng Jigen, Li Haiyang, Lin Shoujin. Convergence of a Gradient-Based Learning Algorithm With Penalty for Ridge Polynomial Neural Networks. IEEE ACCESS, Feb 23,2021, 9: 28742-28752. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS. 2020.3048235.

[9] Fan Qinwei, Peng Jigen, He Huimin. Weak and strong convergence theorems for the split common fixed point problem with demicontractive operators. Optimization, 2021,70(5-6): 1409-1423, JUN 3 2021,  DOI: 10.1080/02331934.2021. 1890074.

[10] He Huimin, Peng Jigen, Fan Qianwei. An iterative viscosity approximation method for the split common fixed-point problem. Optimization, 2021,70(5-6):1261-1274. Jun 3, 2021, DOI: 10.1080/02331934.2020.1819275.

[11] Fu Qinbing, Peng Jigen, Yue Shigang. Bioinspired Contrast Vision Computation for Robust Motion Estimation against Natural Signals. 2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 18-22 July 2021, Shenzhen China, DOI: 10.1109/IJCNN 52387.2021.9533680.

[12] Wen Meng, Tang Yuchao, Xingzhiwei, Peng Jigen. A Two-Step Inertial Primal-Dual Algorithm for Minimizing the Sum of Three Functions. IEEE ACCESS, 2019, 7: 161748-161753. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2951578

[13] Xu Yi, Peng Jigen, Xu Yingfeng. The discrete and mixed minimax 2-center problems. Theoretical Computer Sciences, Jun 2019, 774: 95-102. DOI: 10.1016/j.tcs.2016.06.037.

[14] Fu Qinbing, Hu Cheng, Peng Jigen, Yue Shigang. Shaping the collision selectivity in a looming sensitive neuron model with parallel ON and OFF pathways and spike frequency adaptation. Neural Networks, Oct 2018, 106: 127-143. DOI: 10.1016/j.neunet. 2018.04.001.

[15] Wang Huatian, Peng Jigen, Baxter Paul, Zhang Chun, Wang Zhihua, Yue, Shigang. A Model for Detection of Angular Velocity of Image Motion Based on the Temporal Tuning of the Drosophila. Artificial Neural networks and Machine Learning - ICANN 2018, PT II, in: Lecture Note in Computer Sciences, Oct. 2018, 1140: 37-46. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-01421-6_4

[16] Wang Hongxin, Peng Jigen, Yue Shigang. A Feedback Neural Network for Small Target Motion Detection in Cluttered Backgrounds. Artificial Neural networks and Machine Learning - ICANN 2018, PT III, in: Lecture Note in Computer Sciences, Oct. 2018, 11141: 728-737. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-01424-7_71

[17] Wen Meng, Tang Yuchao, Cui Angang, Peng Jigen. Efficient primal-dual fixed point algorithms with dynamic stepsize for composite convex optimization problems. Multidimensional Systems and Siganl Processing, July 2019, 30(3): 1531-1544. DOI: 10.1007/s11045-018-0615-z

[18] Wen Meng, Hu Changsong, Cui Angang, Peng Jigen. Convergence of an explicit scheme for nonexpansive semigroups in Banach spaces. Journal of Fixed Point Theory and applications, Jun. 2019, 21(2): DOI: 10.1007/s11784-019-0688-9

[19] Wang Hongxin, Peng Jigen, Yue Shigang. A Directionally Selective Small Target Motion Detecting Visual Neural Network in Cluttered Backgrounds. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Oct 2018, DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2018.2869384

[20] Cui Angang, Peng Jigen, Li Haiyang, Wen Meng. Sparse non-negative signal reconstruction using fraction function penalty. IET Signal Processing, Apr. 2019, 13(2): 125-132. DOI: 10.1049/iet-spr.2018.5056.

[21] Jia Junxiong, Wu Bangyu, Peng Jigen, Gao Jinghuai. Recursive linearization method for inverse medium scattering problems with complex mixture Gaussian error learning. Inverse Probelms, July 2019, 35(7): 075003, DOI: 10.1088/1361- 6420/ab08f2

[22] Jing Xiaohua, Jia Junxiong, Peng Jigen. Well-posedness for a nonlocal nonlinear diffusion equation and applications to inverse problems. Applicable Analysis, FEB 2019, DOI: 10.1080/00036811.2019.1574342.

[23] Yu Yongchao, Peng Jigen. A new nonconvex approach to low-rank matrix completion with application to image in painting. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, JAN 2019, 30(1): 145-174. DOI: 10.1007/s11045-018-0549-5

[24] Cui Angang, Peng Jigen, Li Haiyang, Wen Meng, Jia Junxiong. Iterative thresholding algorithm based on non-convex method for modified l(p)-norm regularization minimization. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, FEB 2019, 347: 173-180. DOI: 10.1016/j.cam.2018.08.021

[25] Ying Shihui, Wen Zhijie, Shi Jun, Peng Yaxin, Peng Jigen, Qiao Hong. Manifold Preserving: An Intrinsic Approach for Semisupervised Distance Metric Learning.IEEE Transaction on Neural Network and Learning Systems, Jul 2018,29(7): 2731-2742. DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2017.2691005

[26] Cui Angang, Li Haiyang, Went Meng, Peng Jigen. Sparse signals recovered by non-convex penalty in quasi-linear systems. Journal of Inequalities and Applications, MAR 2018, 文献号: 59, DOI: 10.1186/s13660-018-1652-8.

[27] Xu Yi, Peng Jigen, Xu Yingfeng. The mixed center location problem. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Nov 2018, 36(4): 1128-1144. DOI: 10.1007/s10878-017-0183-4. 

[28] Jia Junxiong, Yue Shigang, Peng Jigen, Gao Jinghuai. Infinite-dimensional Bayesian approach for inverse scattering problems of a fractional Helmholtz equation. Journal of Functional Analysis, Nov 2018, 275(9): 2299-2332. DOI: 10.1016/j.jfa.2018.08.002.

[29] Jia Junxiong, Peng Jigen, Gao Jinghuai, Li Yujiao. Backward problem for a time-space fractional diffusion equation. Inverse Problem and Imaging, June 2018, 12(3):773-799. DOI: 10.3934/ipi.2018033.

[30] Chen Yingtong, Peng Jigen. Preconditioning for Orthogonal Matching Pursuit with Noisy and Random Measurements: The Gaussian Case. Circuits Systems and Signal Processing, 37(9): 4109-4127, SEP 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s00034-017-0730-3

[31] Wang Changlong, Peng Jigen. Exact recovery of sparse multiple measurement vectors by l(2,p)-minimization. Journal of Inequalities and Applications, JAN 2018, 文献号: 17, DOI: 10.1186/s13660-017-1601-y

[32] Liu Haifeng, Peng Jigen. Sparse signal recovery via alternating projection method. Signal Processing, FEB 2018, 143: 161-170, DOI: 10.1016/j.sigpro.2017.09.003, IF: 3.11 , WOS:000413608100018

[33] Gao Yi, Peng Jigen, Yue Shigang. Sparse recovery in probability via l(q)-minimization with Weibull random matrices for 0 < q <= 1. Applied Mathematics- A Journal of Chines Universities Series B, MAR 2018, 33(1): 1-24, DOI: 10.1007/s11766-018-3430-2.

[34] Yu Yongchao, Peng Jigen. A modified primal-dual method with applications to some sparse recovery problems. Applied Mathematics and Computation, SEP. 2018, 333: 76-94, DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2018.03.089

[35] Yu Yongchao, Peng Jigen. A modified primal-dual method with applications to some sparse recovery problems. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Sep 15 2018, 333:76-94. DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2018.03.089.

[36] Yu Yongchao, Peng Jigen. The matrix splitting based proximal fixed-point algorithms for quadratically constrained l(1) minimization and Dantzig selector. Applied Numerical Mathematics, APR 2018, 125: 23-50, DOI: 10.1016/j.apnum.2017.12.013

[37] Cui Angang, Peng Jigen, Lihaiyang. Exact recovery low-rank matrix via transformed affine matrix rank minimization. Neurocomputing, NOV 30 2018, 39:1-12, DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2018.05.092.

[38] Cui Aangang, Peng Jigen, Li Haiyang, Zhang Chengyi, Yu Yongchao. Affine matrix rank minimization problem via non-convex fraction function penalty. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, JUL 2018, 336: 353-374, DOI: 10.1016/j.cam.2017.12.048

[39] Zhao Haixia, Gao Jinghuai, Peng Jigen. Properties of seismic absorption induced reflections. Journal of Applied Geophysics, May 2018, 152: 118-128, DOI: 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2018.03.020.

[40] Liu Haifeng, Zhu Jihua, Peng Jigen. Two new lower bounds for the spark of a matrix, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 2017 Dec, 96(3): 353-360. DOI: 10.1017/S000497271700034X 

[41] Tang Yuchao, Zhu Chuanxi, Wen Meng, Peng Jigen. A splitting primal-dual proximity algorithm for solving somposite optimization problems. Acta Mathematical Sinica-English Series, 2017 June, 33(6): 868-886. DOI: 10.1007/s10114-016-5625-x 

[42] Mei Zhandong, Peng Jigen, Gao Jinghuai. General fractional differential equations of order and Type in Banach spaces. Semigroup Forum, 2017 June, 94(3): 712-737. DOI:10.1007/s00233-017-9859-4.

[43] Wang Changlong, Peng Jigen. Analysis of the equivalence relationship between l(0)-minimization and l(p)-minimization. Journal of Inequality and Applications, 2017, Dec 21. 文献号313, DOI:10.1186/s13660-017-1590-x.      

[44] Li Kexue, Peng Jigen, Jia Junxiong. Explosive solutions of parabolic stochastic partial differential eqautions with Levy noise. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2017, 37(10):  5105-5125. DOI: 10.3934/dcds.2017221.

[45] Yu Yongchao, Peng Jigen, Han Xuanli, Cui Angang. A Primal Douglas–Rachford Splitting Method for the Constrained Minimization Problem in Compressive Sensing, Circuits Systems and Signal Processing, 2017, 36 (10): 4022-4049, DOI: 10.1007/s00034-017-0498-5 

[46] Yu Yongchao, Peng Jigen. The Moreau envelope based efficient first-order methods for sparse recovery. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2017, 322: 109–128.

[47] Gao Jinghuai, Zhang Bing, Han Weimin, Peng Jigen, Xu Zongben. A new approach for extracting the amplitude spectrum of the seismic wavelet from the seismic traces. Inverse Problems, Aug. 2017, 33(8): 085005. DOI:10.1088/1361-6420/aa59e0.

[48] Zhao Haixia, Gao Jinghuai, Peng Jigen. An approximation to the reflection coefficient of plane longitudinal waves based on the diffusive-viscous wave equation. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2017, 136: 156-164, DOI: 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2016.11.005. 

[49] Wen Meng, Hu Changsong, Peng Jigen. Iterative approximation of zeros of accretive operators and of solutions to fixed point problems in q-uniformly smooth Banach spaces. Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2017 June, 19(2): 1439-1452. DOI: 10.1007/s11784-017-0421-5. 

[50] Wen Meng, Peng Jigen, Tang Yuchao. A preconditioning technique for first-order primal-dual splitting method in convex optimization. Mathematical Problems in Engineerings, 2017, Paper number 3694525, DOI: 10.1155/2017/3694525. 

[51] Jia Junxiong, Peng Jigen, Yang Jiaqing. Harnack's inequality for a space-time fractional diffusion equation and applications to an inverse source problem. Journal of Differential Equations, 2017, 262(8): 4415-4450, DOI: 10.1016/j.jde.2017.01.002.

[52] Jia Junxiong, Peng Jigen. Li Kexue. On the decay and stability of global soutions to the 3D inhomogeneous MHD system. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 2017, 16(3): 745-780.  DOI: 10.3934/cpaa.2017036.

[53] Gao Yi, Peng Jigen, Yue Shigang. Stability and robustness of the l(2)/l(q)-minimization for block sparse recovery. Signal Processing, 2017, 137: 287-297. DOI: 10.1016/j.sigpro.2017.02.012 

[54] 高义,彭济根.  加权非凸 lq-极小化模型的稀疏恢复. 中国科学:数学,2018年,第48卷,第12期,1831-1850. DOI: 10.1360/SCM-2017-0763