题目:Computer vision based human motion analysis for healthcare
报告人:Miao Yu
摘要:Human motion analysis is instrumental in improving quality of life and deepening our comprehension of movement-related disorders and healthcare interventions. Precise analysis of human motion aids in diagnosing various musculoskeletal and neurological conditions, facilitating tailored treatment plans, and enabling healthcare providers to track intervention effectiveness over time. In this talk, I will present my research work related to the development of attention models that leverage both spatial and temporal information, for 3D human skeletons extraction as well as human motion analysis for healthcare-related tasks such as fall detection, fall risk prediction, gait analysis, and timed up-and-go (TUG) analysis. Additionally, the co-design of hardware and algorithms for privacy-preserving human motion analysis will also be touched upon in the presentation.
Dr Yu is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Computer Science in the University of Lincoln. He worked as a research associate for the research project “Signal Processing Solutions in a Networked Battlespace” (funded by the EPSRC) in the Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering Department, Loughborough University from 2013 to 2017. Prior to it, he obtained his PhD in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Loughborough University with the PhD thesis title “Computer vision based techniques for fall detection with application towards assisted living”. Dr Miao’s research interests lie in developing algorithms in statistical signal processing, image/video processing, machine learning and data/knowledge modelling, with applications in objects detection and tracking, behaviour recognitions and abnormal detection for healthcare.