

题目:Some facts in fractal spectral theory


地点:腾讯会议(会议ID:233 187 162)


摘要:Fractal spectral measure theory is a field connecting fractal geometry and Fourier analysis. More specifically, it is about the existence and structure of the exponential orthonormal bases on fractal measures. In this talk, I will introduce some facts about it. Specifically, I will give the proofs of the next three facts about the standard fourth-middle Cantor measure \mu_4:

(1)\mu_4 is a spectral measure with a spectrum _4 (Jorgensen and Pederson, 1998);

(2)5\Lamda_4 is also a spectrum of \mu_4 (Laba and Wang first note that this fact in 2002);

(3)there exists a spectrum \Lamda of \mu_4 such that its Beurling dimension is zero (Dai, He and Lai, 2013).

If time permits, I will introduce the ideas of proofs about the convergence results of \mu_4 obtained by Strichartz (2006) and Dutkay et al. (2014).


伍智义,博士毕业于华中师范大学,现为奥卢大学博士后、研究员,主要研究方向为分形几何和调和分析,在J. Funct. Anal.,JFAA,Nonlinearity等期刊发表论文多篇。